Ventricles of the Brain

Quiz yourself with the picture below. Scroll down for the answer key. There’s a video at the bottom if you want to watch it first.

This model represents the ventricles of the brain.  It’s as if someone poured grey plastic into the ventricles, let it harden, and removed the brain.


  1. Space for intermediate mass
  2. Hypothalamus
  3. Lateral ventricle
  4. 3rd ventricle
  5. Cerebral (Mesencephalic) aqueduct
  6. 3rd ventricle
  7. Choroid plexus (pink)
  8. Lateral ventricle
  9. Cerebral (Mesencephalic) aqueduct
  10. 4th ventricle
  11. Interventricular foramen
  12. Hypothalamus
