Torso 2 – Anterior

Quiz yourself with the picture below. Scroll down for the answer key. There’s a video at the bottom if you want to watch it first.
Torso Muscles Anterior


  1. Sternocleidomastoid
  2. Posterior scalene
  3. Middle scalene
  4. Omohyoid (inferior & superior belly)
  5. Anterior scalene
  6. Deltoid
  7. Pectoralis major
  8. Internal intercostals
  9. External intercostals
  10. Rectus abdominis
  11. Internal obliques
  12. Gluteus medius
  13. Tensor fascia latae
  14. Sartorius
  15. Adductor longus
  16. Rectus femoris
  17. Sternohyoid
  18. Serratus anterior
  19. External oblique
