Small Muscle Model (anterior, upper)

Quiz yourself with the picture below. Scroll down for the answer key. There are videos at the bottom if you want to watch them first.
Little Muscle Man Upper Body Anterior


  1. Sartorius
  2. Tensor fascia latae
  3. Linea alba
  4. External oblique
  5. Extensor digitorum
  6. Brachioradialis
  7. Biceps brachii
  8. Brachialis
  9. Pectoralis major
  10. Deltoid
  11. Omohyoid
  12. Sternocleidomastoid
  13. Mentalis
  14. Depressor labii inferioris
  15. Risorius
  16. Orbicularis oculi
  17. Procerus
  18. Galea aponeurotica
  19. Frontalis
  20. Nasalis
  21. Zygomaticus minor
  22. Zygomaticus major
  23. Depressor anguli oris
  24. Sternohyoid
  25. Trapezius (upper fibers)
  26. Omohyoid (inferior belly)
  27. Pronator teres
  28. Flexor carpi radialis
  29. Rectus abdominis
  30. Tendinous intersections
  31. Manubrium
  32. Body of the sternum
  33. Xiphoid process
  34. Clavicle
  35. Hyoid bone
  36. Iliac crest
