Respiratory Plaque 1


  1. Frontal sinuses
  2. Sphenoid sinus
  3. Nasal conchae (Superior, middle, and inferior)
  4. Opening to the auditory tube
  5. Pharynx
  6. Epiglottis
  7. Vocal folds
  8. Esophagus
  9. Trachea
  10. Parietal pleura on the apex of the lung
  11. Primary (main) bronchus (left)
  12. Lobes of the right lung
  13. Epiglottis
  14. Hyoid bone
  15. Thyroid cartilage
  16. Cricoid cartilage
  17. Trachea
  18. Primary (main) bronchi
  19. Secondary (lobar) bronchi
  20. Alveolus
  21. Alveolar sac
  22. Diaphragm
