Pelvis Anterior

Quiz yourself with the picture below. Scroll down for the answer key. There are videos at the bottom if you want to watch them first.


  1. Line between the Iliac crests usually crosses at L5 in a female.
  2. Iliac crest
  3. Anterior Superior Iliac Spine (ASIS)
  4. Iliac fossa
  5. Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine (AIIS)
  6. Acetabulum
  7. Superior ramus of the pubis
  8. Pubic tubercle
  9. Ischial ramus
  10. Inferior pubic ramus
  11. Pubic symphysis
  12. Obturator foramen
  13. Pubic crest
  14. Pelvic inlet bordered by the pelvic brim – False pelvis is below the brim in the “bowl”
  15. False pelvis: line indicates its width.
  16. Infrapubic angle (Obtuse indicating a female pelvis)
