Midsagittal Head 1



  1. Falx cerebri
  2. Fornix
  3. Superior sagittal sinus
  4. Intermediate mass
  5. Pineal gland
  6. Tentorium cerebelli
  7. Mammillary body
  8. Cerebellum
  9. Fourth ventricle
  10. Pons
  11. Pharyngeal tonsil (The Adenoids)
  12. Uvula
  13. Palatine tonsil
  14. Lingual tonsil
  15. Epiglottis
  16. Vocal fold
  17. Cricoid cartilage
  18. Esophagus
  19. Corpus callosum
  20. Septum pellucidum
  21. Hypothalamus
  22. Optic chiasm
  23. Infundibulum
  24. Pituitary gland
  25. Sphenoid sinus
  26. Superior nasal concha
  27. Opening to posterior Ethmoid air cells
  28. Opening to middle Ethmoid air cells
  29. Semilunar hiatus
  30. Middle nasal concha
  31. Inferior nasal concha
  32. Opening of nasolacrimal duct
  33. Opening of the Auditory (Eustachian) tube
  34. Thyroid cartilage
  35. Larynx